6 Tips For Smoking Cannabis Flower For Beginners

2 August 2023
 Categories: Smoking, Blog


Are you new to using cannabis flower and not quite sure about the best way to use it? You'll definitely want to know the following tips so that you make the most out of your purchase.

Select The Right Strain

Start by selecting your strain of cannabis flower so that you have the type of experience you want. Indica strains of flower tend to give people a calming and relaxing experience, while sativa is known to be more energetic and uplifting. You may want the latter if you are smoking during the day and want to get stuff done.

Grind The Flower

You need to utilize a grinder to break up your cannabis flower so that it is in small pieces that are consistent in size. This not only helps improve airflow in the device you are smoking the flower with but allows all pieces to burn evenly as well.

Take Controlled Breaths

Be mindful about the breaths that you take when inhaling cannabis flower. You should use controlled and slow breaths so that you can control the dosage of the flower you are inhaling. This can help you know how much you smoked during your current session and alter it by taking in more or less next time based on how your experience went.

Stay Hydrated

Cannabis flower tends to leave people with dry mouths afterward. You should always stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to prevent this from happening. In addition, drinking water is good for your body and you should be doing it anyway!

Give Yourself Time

A common mistake people make when using a new strain or smoking method is to not give themselves time to see the effects. It's always easier to take more cannabis flower later, but you cannot get rid of it once it is in your system. Once you've taken in the initial amount of cannabis you are smoking, you should give yourself several minutes to see how you feel before smoking anymore. 

Store The Flower Properly

There is a right way to store cannabis lower to ensure that it stays fresh. You'll want to use an airtight container that will help keep it away from heat and light. This not only keeps the flower fresh but preserves the flower's potency as well. 

Reach out to a local dispensary for more tips on smoking cannabis flower like 7g THCa Sativa Flower.